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911 Restoration of Birmingham

911 Restoration of Birmingham is a full-scale water damage cleanup restoration company offering you peace of mind after a disaster. We provide water damage restoration, sanitization, mold removal, fire & smoke damage, reconstruction and everything in between with 24/7 availability. Take precautionary actions during the coronavirus. Our techs are trained to sanitize and clean your property with disinfection solutions and follow CDC and EPA protocols. Disasters can happen anytime due to pipe bursts, flood damage, roof leaks, storm damage or other water damage-related emergencies. Fortunately, our IICRC-certified techs will rapidly respond within 45 minutes to handle any water related emergency and help minimize damage
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Our Services

911 Restoration of Birmingham
911 Restoration of Birmingham is a full-scale water damage cleanup restoration company offering you peace of mind after a disaster. We provide water damage restoration, sanitization, mold removal, fire & smoke damage, reconstruction and everything in between with 24/7 availability. Take precautionary actions during the coronavirus. Our techs are trained to sanitize and clean your property with disinfection solutions and follow CDC and EPA protocols. Disasters can happen anytime due to pipe bursts, flood damage, roof leaks, storm damage or other water damage-related emergencies. Fortunately, our IICRC-certified techs will rapidly respond within 45 minutes to handle any water related emergency and help minimize damage


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1005 8th Ave, Midfield, AL 35228,

Midfield, Alabama 35228